As stipulated by law, they perform their duties of maintaining national security and stability, steadfastly subduing subversive and sabotage attempts by hostile forces, cracking down on violent and terrorist activities, and accomplishing security-provision and guarding tasks. 依照法律规定履行维护国家安全和稳定职能,坚决打击敌对势力颠覆破坏活动,打击各种暴力恐怖活动,遂行安保警戒任务。
We support the people's revolution in their countries and they conduct subversive activities in ours. 我们支持他们那里的人民革命,他们在我们这里搞颠覆活动。
In addition to shunning narcotics, weapons and counterfeit currency, they should abjure "subversive activities" or the "display of religious, political or racial banners". 除了毒品,武器,假钞外,这些外国人还不得进行颠覆性活动或者打出印有”宗教,政治和民族问题“内容的横幅。
If the warmongers are to make war, then they mustn't blame us for making revolution or engaging in "subversive activities" as they keep saying all the time. 他们要发动战争,那就别怪我们搞革命,也就是他们口口声声所说的我们搞“颠覆活动”。
The aspect of counterintelligence designed to detect and prevent subversive activities. 有计划地侦察和阻止颠覆活动的反情报活动。
They were interned for subversive activities. 他们因从事颠覆活动而被拘留。
He was read out of the association because of alleged subversive activities. 由于有人说他搞颠覆活动,所以他被宣布开除出协会。
Known or suspected terrorists and those who engage in violent and subversive activities. 已知或怀疑恐怖分子和那些谁在搞暴力和颠覆活动。
We must strengthen state security, keeping vigilance against infiltrative, subversive and separatist activities by hostile forces at home and abroad. 加强国家安全工作,警惕国际国内敌对势力的渗透、颠覆和分裂活动。
Although e-government in China has developed very fast, it has been badly threatened by such things as computer virus, hacker, junk mail, net crime, and the net political subversive activities, etc. 我国电子政务发展较快,但计算机病毒、网络黑客、垃圾邮件、网络犯罪、网络政治颠覆活动等严重威胁着电子政务的安全和健康发展。
The brand-new primary school science course, which is constructed according to the new curriculum standard, will have a subversive influence on the perspective of teaching, students, and teachers 'role and on the changing of teaching activities, ways of assessment. 新课程标准下的全新的小学科学学科带来的教学观与学生观、教师角色与教学行为、学习方式和评价观念的变革是颠覆性的。
After three presidents, during eleven years, the subversive activities produced far-reaching impact both toward Nicaragua and the United States. 美国历经三任总统,历时11年的颠覆性活动对尼加拉瓜,对美国自身都产生了深远的影响。